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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

Post  Timmy Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:32 pm

i want to report. a few people..

Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel 1_bmp10

Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel 2_bmp10

Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel 3_bmp10

Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel 4_bmp10

Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel 6_bmp10

Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel 5_bmp10

Also before this occured, they said really hurtfull, very rude, and cruel insulting things about me and my girlfriend which the owner was there as proof, and the other gm, moon was there. Moon had to keep booting malonerr, about 5 times or more because he refused to stop and kept insulting us. Also the host told me that he would ban me for ONLY 10 minutes because he thought that I was the "main root of this problem" but as you can see, one day later,I am still banned from that server. Hopefully you can see, it is in fact, MAL and the rest of the other gm's who are really being rude and think they can do whatever they want without a care of anyone else but themself. All I wanted, which I even personally asked from the owner himself, were the host filles which he agreed to give me, but to ask Zekeiel for them since the owner didn't currently have them on his computer at the time. Even with the screenies I took of the owner's approval as proof, Zekeiel still didn't believe it really and wanted to personally ask the owner himself.

Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel 111


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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Re: Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

Post  Malonerr Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:57 pm

alright timmy.... first of all ide like to point out that im already muted and have been for 2 days so that has been my punishment right there as im currently still muted.
As For Your Ban... you were causing the problem, i stopped talking to u then u bring up random things like lunary wants me to be banned, hes perm muting me, im getting demoted etc. then after w.e i stop talking and u still continue, so that was ur fault for the ban, and as to why your still not unbanned is because its prob set to a 24 hour thing or w.e i dunno i dont control that

Btw... Just to say aswell........ I dont see anything at all incriminating in all of that for me, lance or zeke..... i say why u need a game to urself go out and do something with ur gf instead... that aint offensive.
Lance was just on both sides and did nothing.
Zeke just didnt wanna give u the host files because lunary never told him directly.....

sooo... case closed imo(in my opinion if someone doesn't know what it means) really here

Also as ur ''proof''' tp getting the host files, all that shows from lunary is him saying u can ask zeke for the host files... nothing about him having 2 give them to you or anything, leaving it up 2 zeke to decide... which obviously he declined.
Next time you have ''proof'' of what u say, atleast make sure your screenshot fits with what your saying, not just that lunary said it was ok for you to ask zeke


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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Re: Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

Post  Timmy Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:33 pm

.....Wow I bet it must be hard for you to be quite from harassing and criticizing players for 2 days. Right I was the cause of the problem? You can clearly see on page 5 I said "we'll wait for lunar to decide" wow I can see I was the "cause of the problem" by wanting to stop and wait for what lunar would say =.=. In my opinion, I actually think your punishment was light. I never in my whole time of playing, saw a gm act as irresponsibly as you to go as far as making fun of a players personal life without even knowing them or say what horrible things you did. Gm's are here to help people, not to cut them down and make fun of them. You were also warned many times to knock it off where how many times was I even warned? huh 0 and take it to the fourms isn't a clear warning=.=. If you said take it to the fourms OR you will be BANNED or MUTED then it's a warning. Not to mention obviously the host then lied about it being only 10 minutes.

I don't really think it's fair to be banned for defending myself and without any warning while you were warned numerous times and it still weren't stopping until you were muted. You said really horrible things that I would think not even you wouldn't stop too and all you got was being muted for 2 days. Obviously the punishment also didn't have any effect on you since it seemed you were proud for saying such horrible things. When I said how it seemed like you were getting politer and being more nice, you said "Mayb casue i was warned" and "u shoulda seem me and dantheman makin jokes at timmy earlier" By the way, I never brought up anything about Lunary wanting you were muted, banned, demoted or whatever so I don't have any idea where that came from. In page 2 I was saying saying why I wanted the host files and that I wouldn't give them out. Lance was the one that randomly for no reason or anything said "dont go around telling people whos gonna get banned or not" which I responded too "uhm.. lance i dont know how hell u get that idea o.0 but i didnt... second of all i hope he would get banned to bad he didnt." As you can see I never said anything about Lunary wanting you to be although I said I it was bad you werent since I think you got off too light after the hurtful things you said. Which made you jump to conclusion after what Lance said without any proof and u said "u said luna wanted me banned nice try" which I replyed "no i idnt i said i wanted it mabe u should clean ur glasses a little" which means there was no call for banning and it wasn't my fault for defending myself.

On page 5 you even admitted "i insulted" meaning you were insulting us.You said many incriminating things earlier which the owner was a witness too before and this time around which I think you can easily find. You did say "i say why u need a game to urself go out and do something with ur gf instead" which wasn't offensive but you had no say in saying that our relationship isn't real or whatever especially since you personally don't know and are just assuming. I would appreciate if you get your facts together first instead of just blurting anything that comes to your mind. From the first day we started playing you had a attitude against us and I'm tired of it. Of course me and my love hang out and go places but sometimes we just want to relax after a hard day work and just let go by playing a game together. We both love playing games and pokemon so why shouldn't we just be able to play the game? We mostly just want the host files to get our own server so we don't have to deal with your attitude or horrible things you have to say and since we both really love the game and think it's really the only decend pokemon game story and plot wise.

Were clearly not the only one that are offended by you or have a problem with you since I see a lot of "reporting a gm" topics about you. Lunary did clearly agree to give them too me but he couldn't since they weren't on his computer at the time so he said to ask Zekeiel for them. I also even tried to ask Zekeiel while the host was on but he was afk. So the owner did approve giving them too me but he DIDN'T have them on his computer at the time, but he WOULD'VE given them to me if he did. proof indeed in my opinion.


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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Re: Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

Post  Malonerr Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:50 pm

Once again -claps- another person who says im a liar after they threaten me... timmy ur just like lala again... only i had proof from her, as for ur assumptions towards me.. there were many other people present at the time and online to see u say the things.... for example Zekeil, but now u wouldnt care about that because u have a vendetta against him because he wouldnt give u host files.... but btw.. go read your proof for lunary saying it was ok

''Lunary: Yes xD'' ... what did he say yes to? it doesnt show
''Timmy: So its alright if i ask zekiel for the host files''
''Lunary: Go Ahead''

So... Where exactly does that say Lunary said anything like ''you may have the host files, just ask zeke'' ..... o wait, it doesnt does it :O thats right.

and btw, im sure ude love me 2 ask zeke for the chat logs to find out where u said that lunary says i should be banned, and he perm muted me and all of the other stuff u said, so u may wanna reconsider saying u never said that stuff...

anyways.... Lance came in because its something called communication.... I talk to the other gms and everything... now why would i go make up a story to lance about that lmao.... thats a waste of my time to do,

but u do like to write alot and ill give u credit, u like 2 copy and paste parts where u dont say nething bad so -claps- congrats on that 1, u didnt screw urself as ive seen others do... but dont go saying u never said stuff when other people were even present there


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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Re: Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

Post  Timmy Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:03 pm

Wow =.= If I'm such a bad liar and if I'm such a bad person, then why are two of your characters muted by the owner himself and you are having to use another freaking character to hurt me again. Also you can't compare me to other characters that you banned or whatever because this is a different incident. Hmm if you say that my "assumptions" are lies then how come I have seven different screen shots showing undeniable proof of what you were saying not to mention earlier action you did that the owner saw. Out of all of those screenies, I don't see anywhere it showing me saying that Lunary wanting you were muted, banned, demoted or whatever.

I honestly don't have anything against Zekeil for not wanting to give me the host files. I'm mostly upset at the fact he decided to ban me for "10 minutes" which was a lie and without any warning. That is what really gets to me since you should mute or jail someone first before banning without a warning. Like I said before, Lunary would have gladly gave me the host files if he had it on his COMPUTER at the TIME, but said to get them from zekiel since he had them The owner was there when I was asking zekiel, but he was afk so he wouldn't really know. I would like to see you bring your proof of me saying that Lunary should ban you. Show me a screenie of it, not just the text.

Don't blame you getting muted on me personally since you don't like me. It was your own fault in the long run that you were muted since you were WARNED more then several times and still REFUSED to stop. Yeah YOU talk to the other gm's meaning that you probably only tell your part of the story but not from our point which makes them believe you without knowing the truth. I do write a lot since I got lots of opinion. I wouldn't say it's copy and paste since I just typed it out to show what I was saying is true and to back up my point. I wouldn't say I made it look like I didn't say anything bad because I did say somethings bad, but that was only to defend myself. I was merely pointing out was the important facts and evidence to why I made this topic.


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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Re: Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

Post  Lance22 Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:27 pm

First off timmy, when i said that, i was responding to a section that you "accidently" cut off, saying that When lunary gets on, im going to get you baned (somwhere along those lines) And timmy, if you have ur own games, host them.

Lunary said you could ask, and you did. He said no. So get on and move w./ your "cyber " life


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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Re: Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

Post  Malonerr Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:39 pm

hmm... i never said nething about bad person...
and actually i can compare this to the other situation of the person because well... They also said ''im going to get you banned'' ''you will get demoted'' etc. which u so greatly seem to not have a screenshot for... o what a surprise that is
Funny... o wait the banned and demoted threats from some1.. omg deja vu... wait u said it aswell >.>

and btw ur screenshots of me show me saying nothing bad... and i love how ur only defence is u said hurtful stuff when the owner was on... yes THE OWNER WAS ON THEN, I WAS PUNISHED FOR IT. After luna went off... please i beg of u point out where i hurt ur feelings so badly after in all of those screenshots cause im dying to know myself.

and btw.... u play the victim so much... u say ur 18, all of that stuff really deeply hurt u so badly and ur that old? suck it up kid its over, those screenshots show nothing but me saying it doesnt make sense why u want to play this game alone with ur gf if shes really ur gf, go out and do something.... last time i checked that doesnt deeply hurt some1.
So next time u wanna lie and make up stuff... atleast make it believable.

And once again, u claim lunary said it was ok, yet all u show is that luna said it was ok for u to ask zeke for the host files....
if thats the case, wheres all those screenshots at huh? since apparently u take 1 of him saying u can ask, but none of him saying U CAN HAVE THEM.

and no, i tell the gms all that happened... every1 saw what i was saying, hell i even told lance after what i said, but also what u said... and buddy no1 believes that u didnt say it that u reported for this as they all saw it and u conviniently dont got a screenshot 4.


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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Re: Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

Post  Timmy Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:56 pm

Hmm first of all Lance =.= I didn't cut off when Lunary got on since that was way earlier then the current incident and I didn't take screenies since Lunary was a witness.Lance I don't really know what the heck you're talking about and honestly, I don't care because you're just standing up for your friend. Anyways, I never said anything about malonerr getting banned =.=; I did said IF i get my own server that I'm allowed to ban malonerr off of it. Which that is what the owner personally told me himself I could do if I got my own server, so don't go around making up random things since you weren't even there. As for you malonerr, about your "communication", I think you lack the skills to tell the truth if you try to get your friend gm's to help you, then at least tell them the truth of what really happened.

I've been reading your gm application and I can pull out every lie in there. Here's a part copied from malonerr himself on his appliance for the gm, admin or what ever. "Why are you suitable for the job? : "I am suitable for the job because I know a lot about Pokemon, their evolutions and such. Also I am suitable for the job because I am very friendly, helpful and think that i can bring an entertaining and positive attitude into the game,as well as applying it with my knowledge and skills to help the ''noobs'' or whoever else may ask for it." As you also can see, there is 3 topics going against him.. not really a positive attitude is it? or that thing about being friendly.. sure that's why he makes fun of people and insult them and what ever. and on top of all, you said that you are " helpful" well.. just for your information I've never seen you help anyone but your self. Oh and lance showing affection to the one you love isn't cybering if you couldnt figgure that out your self.


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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Re: Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

Post  Timmy Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:05 pm

Malonerr it's obvious you think I am if you compare me to other people. If you say I said that, then where is your screen shots/chat log or what ever you said you had? =.= I really don't like repeating myself and most of the stuff your saying is what I already addressed in my previous posts. Oh so you think I play the victim hmm maybe that's because there are abusing gm's that have nothing better then to make fun of people for their own personal entertainment and ban people without any warning.


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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Re: Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

Post  Malonerr Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:45 pm

lol w.e dude im done talking to u, i kno what i said... i kno what u threatened and are denying... frankly if ur banned o well i didnt do it.
and next time atleast if ur gunna report, have real facts lmao ur gunna report me after the owner saw what was going on theres no point.
and u should really consider writing a book ur great at stretching ur bs into like an essay when it only needs to be like a paragraph.

so anyways, good day, have fun, if u got ur own games go play em if u wanna play with ur lover alone as lance already said.
and dont waste my time with all this denying crap when i kno what u said, and like 4 others witnessed it.

so good day... nd tell ur gf i say goodd ay aswell


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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Re: Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

Post  Timmy Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:55 pm

Ha ha malonerr thank you. I'll think about writing a book especially since books are based on true facts, otherwise they wouldn't be sold or even put on the market. Also if you care, I'm still waiting for your so called "proof", but I guess it's really hard to press print screen and it makes your finger get very tired, ya i know how it feels.. being pathetic and telling all lies. You know, I really hope the owner reads this fast because i don't really care if you get banned or not since that's not really my intentions. I just want him to realize what kind of gm's are walking around on his game. Oh and malonerr don't worry, I'm sick and tired of all this fighting too.


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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Re: Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

Post  Timmy Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:45 pm

Gm's, if you're really doing so much as even a good job or your job, then why are people like this still doing this type of bs?
and no, it isn't just this that is what is hurting me. Also this is the type of jokes you used to make together with dantheman, and for all your information this is dantheman if you didn't know. Talk about irresponsible, immaturity, or even a new low for your game and community that your encouraging.

[url=https://servimg.com/image_preview.php[url=https://servimg.com/view/14826177/10]Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Idiots10

Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Wah_bm10


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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Re: Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

Post  Zeke Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:43 am

I am going to point out several things.

1.) I set your ban for 10 minutes, but as I've noticed Dream Deamon's "Lift ban after this time", does not work at all. It says you were unbanned, but if you still couldn't log on that's somehow another problem in DD itself, that has little to do with me. Additionally, I did nothing different to the ban that was placed on you, when I came home, (Since I went out of town for 2 days) and saw your ban was still there, I waited on you to log on, which you did, without a problem. So I partially think you're making up stuff for attention, and I do not like that.

2.) You're not getting host files from me, because as I explained in the screenshots, regardless of what you say, it is very often and likely that you will take the files, play with your girlfriend for some time, got bored or either broke up ( Lord forbid ), and then send the host files to someone else. You may or may not delete your own host files, but that person will likely send those host files to another host, or coder, and eventually there will be another Pokemon game, just like the one we're playing now. It's happened to Finale, it's happened to Bleach Las Noches, it's happened to GoA, etc. I'd like for Luna's game to stay Luna's game.

3.) You were banned because I said, several times, to take it to the forum. I told you, and Mal. he knew I was serious, so he stopped. You on the other hand did not, Lance even asked you to stop. I would have preferred if one of them muted or booted you, but as I lack those certain verbs, I didn't ban you, but rather kicked you. And as I've explained before a host's ban/kick looks exactly the same, except one expires at a certain time, or it's supposed to anyway. I can understand what you're trying to do here, defend yourself and your girlfriend - but you've both blow it out of proportion, which I expect from Mal. This only stops when Greed logs on and locks the forum, so this is the only part I'll have of it.

Don't bother responding to anything I've said, because I'm not going to argue back. It's obvious there's no problem with getting on the game now, but if you continue this on the game then you will be punished again. You can keep it going on here all you want, I don't care, this is Greed's area. Also, I'm not punishing someone for a name, and if that hurts you, then sorry. I don't know what else to tell you.

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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Re: Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

Post  Timmy Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:01 am

Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Sigh1_10

Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Sigh2_10

Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Sigh3_10


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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Re: Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

Post  Malonerr Thu Feb 04, 2010 4:02 pm

rofl alright kid... and yes im gunna call u kid cause ur acting like a little child now.

1. i havent said nething about your gf since the last apparent time u posted ur screenshots of conviniently u not saying nething bad.

as to what dark said.... no idea where that came from since ''us people'' have been muted, and dantheman aka timmysgf w.e it is now is still muted so now how could we possibly say something about ur gf?

and really.... ur gunna take some random kids word and try and report it? so that means basically i can take a screenshot of zeke saying that u said i was gunna get banned etc. just out of the blue and report u for it? ye i doubt it... so keep this crap to urself since theres no proof.
Because dark... is kindof a noob... he doesnt listen to anything gms say, yet now hes trying 2 get gm so hes doing like whatever he can to apparently get it... which wont work


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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Re: Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

Post  Lance22 Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:50 pm

Honestly and truly, i want to know why im always dragged into reports, when i literally do nothing....>.> Maloner, you just need to ignoire idiots, this is the second report ive been dragged into..>.>


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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Re: Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

Post  Pete Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:21 pm

Why is this such a big deal? it's just some annoying couple... This needs to not be as important as it is... Anything that everybody has said is not a big deal, and you shouldn't be as upset as you are. You and your girlfriend pretty much own this game now because of this rediculous incident. "Waaah, they said some maybe slightly insulting things about me and my gf". -_-


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Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel Empty Re: Reporting Malonerr, Lance, And the host Zekeiel

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